Recently I have been asked to participate in a discussion as an expert for an event. Have I told anyone? No! I'm not an expert in anything so why would I tell anyone I was about to make a fool of myself, right? I'm not talking about my own imposter syndrome, I'm talking about the need that we feel to be modest. We can't be seen to be the ones celebrating our own success, what will everyone else think? We can't be the one making a song and dance, everyone will think we are tools! Why do we think like this?
Another colleague is the exact opposite. They shout about everything. They shout so loud and so often that when something actually brilliant happened everyone missed it. It's a boy who cried wolf scenario! Why have we stopped listening to them? Maybe because we think that they are completely the opposite of us, and they should have some modesty. But how dare we force our views onto this person, let them shout I say!
A great inspiration of mine is the queen of being modest and shouting loud. She is very softly spoken and gentile. Yet when someone does something brilliant she is the one shouting from the rooftops. She has the balance right, for me. Yet some have told me that she shouts too loud and should be more modest so for them she doesn't have the balance right.
It comes back round to, you can't please all of the people all of the time. We know this, but yet we are constantly trying to please everyone! That's why we don't shout from the rooftops about our success. So we need an advocate, someone to shout for us. We need to collectively be the one watching each others back. When we see someone do something brilliant we should shout from the rooftops. We have to, otherwise some voices will be lost and some will be ignored. We can't please all of the people all of the time but we can please ourselves. It is ok to be brilliant, even if it is a short burst before we return to normality, it is important that we celebrate our success. We need to be the ones to shout for others, and karma will lead someone to shout for us. SJ